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Effect of foliar application of 2,4-D, urea and zinc sulphate on fruit drop, yield and fruit quality of Kinnow mandarin
Heerendra Prasad
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management
during the year 2011-2012 to evaluate the "Effect of foliar application of 2,4-D, urea and zinc sulphate on fruit drop, yield and fruit quality of Kinnow mandarin." The experiment was laid-down in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with eight treatments and three replications. The study comprises of one experiment in which Kinnow trees under investigation were subjected to treatments of 1% urea, 0.4% zinc sulphate, 20 ppm 2,4-D (2,4-Dichloro phenoxy acetic acid synthetic auxin), urea 1%+zinc sulphate 0.4%, urea 1%+2,4-D 20 ppm, zinc sulphate 0.4%+2,4-D 20 ppm and urea 1%+zinc sulphate 0.4%+2,4-D-20 ppm. The results revealed that the foliar application of 1% urea+0.4% zinc sulphate+2,4-D-20 ppm (part per million) resulted in highest in various Kinnow tree growth character (plant height 35.33 cm, tree girth 2.81 cm, shoot extension growth 20.43 cm and tree volume 31.42 m 3), fruit retention 17.47%, yield (509 Number of fruit plant-1 and 81.31 kg plant-1) and fruit quality (fruit weight 159.83 gm, fruit breadth 7.03 cm, fruit length 6.12 cm, TSS (total soluble solids) 15.40 °brix, and juice content 51.90%), however lowest fruit drop (81.31%) in comparison to other combination and control treatment.
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Effect of 2, 4-D, Urea, Zinc Sulphate and Combinations on Growth and Nutrient Status of the Kinnow Mandarin
Paramjeet Sajwan
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2017
The present investigations entitled “Effect of foliar application of 2, 4-D, urea and zinc sulphate on fruit drop, yield and fruit quality of Kinnow mandarin” was carried out in the Horticultural Regional Research Station, Dhaulakuan, Sirmour, of Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan during the year 2011-2012. The experiment was laid down in Randomized Block Design with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The study comprises of one experiment in which Kinnow trees under investigation were subjected to treatments of 1 per cent urea, 0.4 per cent zinc sulphate, 20ppm 2, 4-D and their combination. The results revealed that the foliar application of 1 per cent urea, 0.4 per cent zinc sulphate and 2, 4-D20ppm combination resulted in highest tree growth in comparison to control. It was found that leaf nutrient contents (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Cu) were also recorded maximum in trees treated with 1 per cent urea 0.4 per cent zinc sulphate and 2, 4-D20ppm combinatio...
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Improvement of “Kinnow” mandarin fruit productivity and quality by urea, boron and zinc foliar spray
Rashid Obeed
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2017
The present study was carried out on Kinnow mandarin trees (Citrus reticulata Blanco) to study the effect of urea, zinc (Zn) and boron (B) foliar sprays either alone or in combinations on fruit yield and quality. Trees were grown in alkaline sandy loam soil at Dirab, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. All trees were sprayed twice: before full bloom (February) and after fruit set (April) during two growing seasons. The obtained results showed a significant increase in tree yield and enhancement in fruit physical characteristics (fruit weight, pulp, juice, volume, length and diameter), as well as fruit chemical characteristics [soluble solids content, acidity, pH, total sugars and ascorbic acid] by all foliar treatments in comparison with the control (water only) in both seasons. Spraying urea in combinations with B and Zn resulted in higher fruit yield and better physico-chemical characteristics as compared with urea only, urea C B or urea C Zn.
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Studies on the effect of foliar spray of Zn, Cu and B on growth, yield and fruit quality of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) cv. Mosambi
Nidhika Thakur
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2018
The present investigation was conducted at the farm of Department of Fruit Science, VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry Bharsar, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand during 2016-17, to study the effect of foliar spray of Zn, Cu and B on growth, yield and fruit quality of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) cv. Mosambi. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with ten treatments and three replications. Based on the result obtained from the present investigations, it was observed that the highest annual shoot growth and leaf area were observed with treatment T8 [Zn (0.5%) + B (0.7%) + Cu (0.5%)], while fruit set, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit breadth, fruit volume, fruit yield/plant and estimate yield (tonnes/ha.) were recorded highest with the treatment T10 [Zn (0.5%) + B (0.7%) + Cu (0.7%)]. Hence, it was concluded that the micronutrients spray in treatment T10 [Zn (0.5%) + B (0.7%) + Cu (0.7%)] was found most effective in improving the yield and...
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Effect of Foliar Spraying with Calcium and a Mixture of Phosphorous and Potassium on Growth of Orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osb.) Washington Navel Variety
Shaymaa Mohammed Jubair
International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 2023
The factorial experiment was conducted in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening Design, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq through the growing season 2020 to investigate the vegetative growth response of navel orange seedlings grafted on the Citrus stocks to the spraying with two factors where the first was spraying L.24, a compound that contains calcium supplemented with boron where it contained 24.75% of calcium and 0.19% boron which sprayed on seedlings with four concentrations (0, 1.5, 3, 4.5) ml.l-1 and symbolized (L0, L1, L2, L3), respectively. The second factor was a mixture of phosphorous and potassium that contains phosphorus at a 30% and potassium at 40% and will have the following concentrations (0, 1, 1.5, 2) ml.l-1 and symbolized (B0, B1, B2, B3), respectively. The results in the two seasons showed a superiority effects of the treatment B3 where it was for plant high, stem diameter, branches number, the percentages of the dry matter and chlorophyll as follows: 23.242 cm.seedling-1, 1.977 mm.seedling-1 , 7.465 branch.seedling-1, 40.307% and 262.66 mg.100 g-1 fw, while calcium treatment at L3 level recored (19.641cm.seedling-1 , 1.628 mm.seedling-1, 5.846 branch.seedling-1, 38.450% and 251.59 mg.100 g-1 fw), respectively. Also, the interaction treatment in B3L3 gave the highest values for all the studied characters where in (plant height, stem diameter, branches number, the percentages of the dry matter, chlorophyll) recorded (26.433cm.seedling-1, 2.223 mm.seedling-1, 8.837branch.seedling-1, 41.170% and 306.58 mg.100g-1 fw), respectively.
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Impact of Foliar Application of Urea on, Fruit Set, Return Bloom and Growth of Apple cv. Red Delicious
shabber hussain
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017
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Effect of Magnesium, Copper and Growth Regulators on Growth, Yield and Chemical Composition of Washington Navel Orange Trees
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hussien Hanafy Ahmed
The present study was carried out during two successive seasons of 2008 and 2009 to study the effect of foliar application by Mg (137.5 ppm), Cu (97 ppm) and growth regulators (20 ppm 2, 4-D, 30 ppm GA 3 or 10 ppm BA) on growth, fruit yield, quality and leaves chemical composition of Washington navel orange trees. Generally, the results revealed that all treatments improved most of the studied growth characters and yield through their favourable effect on leaves chemical composition; plant pigments, total sugars, pectin substances as well as nutritional status (N, P, K, Mg, Ca and Cu concentrations. Moreover, the results indicated that the applied treatments mostly reduced peel fruit cracking.
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Orange (cv Valencia) Response to Foliar Application of Micronutrients at Merti-Abadiska in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
dejene Abera
Effect of micronutrients including Chelated Iron 13.2% (Fe) Zinc 14% (Zn), Copper 14% (Cu), Manganese 13% (Mn), and Blended Zinc 4.0% (Zn) & Boron 2% (B) as foliar spray on fruit yield and quality of orange, cv. Valencia at Upper Awash Agro Industry Enterprise (Merti-Abadiska farm), Ethiopia were studied during 2011 to 2013. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The product solution was prepared as per factory recommendations (1.12 kg of micronutrients dissolved in 640 L ha -1 ) and was applied as foliar spray at two different growth stages (before flower initiation and after nine months of the first spray). The result showed that foliar application of Fe, Zn and Cu significantly affected micronutrient concentration of the leaves (p< 0.05). As a result, the fruit yield and fruit qualities were improved: fruit yield 25.0 to50. 6%, TSS from 3.7 to 14.8%, and sugar content by 2.5 to 5.0% when compared to the control. Therefore, i...
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Respons of foliar spray of urea and zinc sulphate on plant growth, fruit set and quality of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. "Apple Colour"
Rajesh Jatav
Experiment on effect of foliar spray of urea and zinc sulphate with sixteen treatments combination on guava was carried out during 2012-13 at Mandsaur (M.P.). The result showed that the 2.0 % urea treatment gave significantly the maximum plant height (0.42m), fruit retention (51.92%), fruit volume (173.50ml) per fruit, minimum acidity (0.40%), TSS (11.75 0Brix) and ascorbic acid (196.87mg/100g pulp). With respect to effect of zinc sulphate the data showed maximum plant height (0.39m), fruit retention (50.56%), fruit volume (169.50 ml) per fruit, minimum acidity (0.42%), TSS (11.32 0Brix) and ascorbic acid (196.87mg/100g pulp) per plant. It was found that application of 2.0% Urea and (0.8% ZnSo4) were superior among tested different dose of both the urea and zinc sulphate under Mandsaur (M.P.) condition.
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Effects of Foliar Application of Micronutrients On Growth, Yield and Quality of Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck)
Kumari Nandita
Bangladesh Journal of Botany
Calcareous and alkaline nature of soil hinders smooth up take of micronutrient from soil. Hence, the impact of foliar feeding of micronutrients (Zn, Fe, B, Cu) in different combinations on growth, yield and quality of sweet orange cv. Mosambi in a non-conventional citrus growing area was evaluated. Results revealed that treatment combination of Zn @ 0.5% + Fe @ 0.2% + B @ 0.3% + Cu @ 0.1% (T9) followed by B @ 0.3% + Fe @ 0.2% (T6) and Zn @ 0.5% + B @ 0.3% (T7) was most effective for improving growth of Mosambi plants in terms of shoot length, leaf number, leaf area as well as photosynthetic efficiency of the plant. The yield per plant was also obtained maximum in T9 (14.94 kg). Further, fruit quality attributes in terms of TSS, total sugar, flavonoids, ascorbic acid content as well as antioxidant capacity of the fruit were recorded maximum in T9 with at par result in T6. Therefore, three foliar spray of Zn @ 0.5% + Fe @ 0.2% + B @ 0.3% + Cu @ 0.1% from May-July can be recommended to...
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