FFT Magnitude and Phase Spectrum using MATLAB (2024)

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FFT Magnitude and Phase Spectrum using MATLAB


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% Parameters
fs = 100; % Sampling frequency
t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs; % Time vector

% Signal definition
x = cos(2*pi*15*t - pi/4) - sin(2*pi*40*t);

% Compute Fourier Transform
y = fft(x);
z = fftshift(y);

% Frequency vector
ly = length(y);
f = (-ly/2:ly/2-1)/ly*fs;

% Compute phase
phase = angle(z);

% Plot magnitude of the Fourier Transform
subplot(2, 1, 1);
stem(f, abs(z), 'b');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
title('Magnitude of Fourier Transform');
grid on;

% Plot phase of the Fourier Transform
subplot(2, 1, 2);
stem(f, phase, 'b');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
ylabel('Phase (radians)');
title('Phase of Fourier Transform');
grid on;


FFT Magnitude and Phase Spectrum using MATLAB (1)

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Fourier Series and Fourier TransformFourier TransformMATLAB

Fourier Series and Fourier TransformFourier TransformMATLAB

Admin & Author: Salim

FFT Magnitude and Phase Spectrum using MATLAB (2)

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FFT Magnitude and Phase Spectrum using MATLAB (2024)


How do you find the magnitude and phase response in MATLAB? ›

[ mag , phase , wout ] = bode( sys ) returns the magnitude and phase of the response at each frequency in the vector wout . The function automatically determines frequencies in wout based on system dynamics. This syntax does not draw a plot.

What is the magnitude and phase of the FFT? ›

The output of the FFT is a complex vector containing information about the frequency content of the signal. The magnitude tells you the strength of the frequency components relative to other components. The phase tells you how all the frequency components align in time.

How do you find the magnitude and phase of a Fourier series? ›

Alternatively, the signal y(t) may be described by the magnitudes Dn and the phase angles φn: where the magnitude and the phase angle can be calculated from the Fourier coefficients as follows: φn = tan-1 (Bn/An). The following interactive example shows you how to combine sines and cosines to form a signal y(t).

How to plot the phase of FFT in MATLAB? ›

phase = angle(fft(x)) * 180/pi; figure; subplot(311); plot(x); subplot(312); plot(y);

What is the difference between phase response and magnitude response? ›

The magnitude describes the strength of each frequency in the signal. The phase describes the sine/cosine phase of each frequency. The phase can also be thought of as the relative proportion of sines and cosines in the signal (i.e., a phase of zero contains only cosines and a phase of 90 degrees contains only sines).

How to find magnitude and phase of complex number in Matlab? ›

[ mag , angle , validOut ] = magAngle( X , validIn ) converts a scalar or vector of complex values X into their component magnitude and phase angles.

What is magnitude spectrum and phase spectrum? ›

Magnitude of the analytic signal gives the magnitude spectrum, and phase angle of the analytic signal gives phase spectrum. From these spectrums, features, such as standard deviation of amplitude, standard deviation of phase, and signal energy, are extracted.

What is the phase factor in FFT? ›

The phase factor is exactly what the name says: If I multiply by such a factor I leave. all magnitudes intact but I impart a certain phase in the complex plane to my value. Thinking in the complex plane all I do is: rotate along the unit circle, not stretch or. contract its radius.

What is the relationship between phase and magnitude? ›

The magnitude is the square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts. The phase is relative to the start of the time record or relative to a single-cycle cosine wave starting at the beginning of the time record. Single-channel phase measurements are stable only if the input signal is triggered.

Does the Fourier transform show phase? ›

The representation the Fourier transform of a signal by polar coordinates, produces two components; the magnitude and the phase. The magnitude response is simply how much each frequency component is contributing to this signal.

What is the FFT of spectrum in MATLAB? ›

For real signals, the fft spectrum is a two-sided spectrum, where the spectrum in the positive frequencies is the complex conjugate of the spectrum in the negative frequencies. To show the fft spectrum in the positive and negative frequencies, you can use fftshift .

How to see FFT analysis in MATLAB? ›

The FFT window that is specified by the Start time, Number of cycles, and Fundamental frequency parameters is displayed in red. Select FFT window to display only the portion of the selected signal where the FFT analysis is performed in the upper plot.

What FFT algorithm does MATLAB use? ›

The most commonly used FFT algorithm is the Cooley-Tukey algorithm, which reduces a large DFT into smaller DFTs to increase computation speed and reduce complexity.

How to find magnitude in Matlab? ›

MATLAB - Magnitude of a Vector
  1. Take the product of the vector with itself, using array multiplication (. *). ...
  2. Use the sum function to get the sum of squares of elements of vector v. ...
  3. Use the sqrt function to get the square root of the sum which is also the magnitude of the vector v.

How do you calculate phase response? ›

To obtain the phase response, we take the arctan of the numerator, and subtract from it the arctan of the denominator. (Angle of a complex number expressed as a vector is something you may not be familiar with.

What is the formula for magnitude response? ›

The magnitude response is even and the phase response is odd. H ( s ) = V r ( s ) V s ( s ) = C R s C R s + 1 . H ( j Ω ) = j Ω 1 + j Ω = Z → ( Ω ) P → ( Ω ) . Poles create “hills” at frequencies in the jΩ-axis in front of the imaginary parts of the poles.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.