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imaging on 16 Jul 2024 at 12:59
Answered: Image Analyst about 2 hours ago
Open in MATLAB Online
hello i would like to ask how to save inputData(:,:,idxSelected(i)) as an image file. thanks very much.
function [data,labelsVec,timestamps] = loadCSIDataset(fileName,label,visualizeData)
% loadCSIDataset Loads and visualizes the pre-recorded CSI dataset
% loadCSIDataset(FILENAME,LABEL,VISUALIZEDATA) loads the dataset that
% contains the data with the label (LABEL). Pre-recorded CSIs are
% visualized if (VISUALIZEDATA) is true. The function returns the
% pre-recorded beacon frame CSI (DATA), related timestamps (TIMESTAMPS),
% and the categorical labels vector (LABELSVEC).
% Copyright 2022-2024 The MathWorks, Inc.
fileName {char,string}
label (1,1) string
visualizeData = true;
% Load the pre-recorded dataset
datasetDir = which(fileName);
loadedData = load(datasetDir);
data = loadedData.data;
labelsVec = categorical(repmat(label,size(data,ndims(data)),1));
timestamps = loadedData.timestamps;
disp(['Dimensions of the ' char(label) ' dataset (numSubcarriers x numPackets x numCaptures): ' '[' num2str(size(data)) ']'])
% Visualize the dataset
if visualizeData
% Plot samples from the pre-recorded dataset
function plotSamplesFromDataset(data,mode)
% Plot at most three random samples of the dataset
inputData = abs(data); % Visualize only the magnitude of the CSI
numTotalCaptures = size(inputData,ndims(inputData));
numPlots = min(3,numTotalCaptures);
idxSelected = sort(randperm(numTotalCaptures,numPlots));
T = tiledlayout(2,numPlots,'TileSpacing','compact');
% Plot 1 - CSI image
for i = 1:numPlots
title(['Raw CSI (#' num2str(idxSelected(i)),')']);
% Plot 2 - Normalized CSI periodogram
for j = 1:numPlots
clim([0 1]);
xlabel('Temporal Index');
ylabel('Spatial Index');
title(['CSI Periodogram (#' num2str(idxSelected(j)),')']);
title(T,['Randomly Selected Samples of "', char(mode) '" Data']);
set(gcf,'Position',[0 0 650 450]);
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Answers (2)
Muskan about 23 hours ago
As per my understanding, to save the "inputData(:,:,idxSelected(i)") as an image file, you can use MATLAB's "imwrite" function. This function writes an image to a file in various formats such as PNG, JPEG, TIFF, etc.
You can follow the following steps:
- Convert the Data to a Suitable Format: Ensure the data is in a format that "imwrite" can handle. Typically, this means converting the data to "uint8" or "double" and normalizing it if necessary.
- Save the Image: Use "imwrite" to save the image.
You can also refer to the following documentation of "imwrite" for a better understanding: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/imwrite.html
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imaging about 23 hours ago
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thanks a lot for your help.
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Image Analyst 2 minutes ago
Open in MATLAB Online
You want to save inputData(:,:,idxSelected(i)), which is a variable internal to a Mathworks written function called loadCSIDataset. Not exactly sure what that function is but we recommend never changing a built-in function from a Toolbox written by the Mathworks.
What you should do is to make a copy of that function in the current folder, or a folder of your own earlier in the search path, with a different name, like myLoadCSIDataset.m. Then you will modify your copy, not the original function.
Then in the for loop you can construct a filename with sprintf and fullfile and then save the image slice with imwrite. Here is a snippet with the relevant part that you should modify.
% Define the name of the output folder where you want to save these images.
outputFolder = 'C:\whatever'; % TODO: CHANGE THIS LINE.
if ~isfolder(outputFolder)
% Plot 1 - CSI image
for k = 1 : numPlots % Use k instead of i (the imaginary constant) as an iteration variable.
sliceNumber = idxSelected(k);
imagesc(inputData(:, :, sliceNumber));
caption = sprintf('Raw CSI (Slice #%d))', sliceNumber);
title(caption, 'FontSize', 18);
drawnow; % Force it to update the screen display immediately.
% Now make output file name for a lossless compression PNG format file.
baseFileName = sprintf('Slice %3.3d.png', sliceNumber);
fullFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, baseFileName); % Prepend output folder.
% Now save this image slice to disk.
imwrite(inputData(:, :, sliceNumber), fullFileName) % Save to disk.
fprintf('On iteration %d, saved slice #%d as %s.\n', k, sliceNumber, fullFileName); % Print the progress to the command window.
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